Online Appointment Scheduling Insights from Digital Health Leaders

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Digital patient experience remains a central concern across the healthcare industry. Large provider groups in particular are feeling the pressure to keep up with patient expectations for fast, low-friction digital experiences set by industries like ecommerce and entertainment.

We conducted interviews throughout 2019 about the current state of online patient scheduling with a variety of innovation, information technology, and patient experience leaders at 4 major healthcare delivery organizations. Our questions focused on the state of patient scheduling, specific KPIs, and current challenges with appointment scheduling.

For a full exploration of the current challenges and opportunities in online appointment scheduling, download our white paper below.

Top challenges in online appointment scheduling

Our research uncovered a variety of key issues driving the continued investment in online scheduling, including:

  1. Patient acquisition is a top executive concern
  2. Online scheduling is not a solved problem
  3. Existing solutions fail to provide equivalent patient experiences
  4. Appointment types are a limitation for existing solutions


Online appointment scheduling challenges

The healthcare industry faces considerable challenges when it comes to improving the digital patient experience, however. One of the most significant of these is in the area of online scheduling – especially for new patients, where a high degree of complexity and data capture standards mean sign-up and onboarding experiences remain considerably longer and more intensive than patients have come to expect from comparable digital experiences.


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About The Author(s)

Kurt Schiller
Kurt Schiller was the Head of Content Marketing at Arcweb Technologies. A former technology journalist, he writes regularly about digital health, innovation, and product development.
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