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Get your startup funded.

You have a great product idea. You’re ready for the next step. 

We know how to help.

Wherever you are in your product journey, a prototype can help.

We know the drill.

You think… you believe… no, you know your product idea is a great one.

You’ve found a solution to a pain point that real people are experiencing. But building that idea requires fundraising.

Fundraising is tough in a normal market, and even tougher now. Money’s tighter than it’s been in quite some time.

You’ll need a bulletproof pitch. You can’t just talk your way through it. Investors need to be able to see your vision.


That’s where Arcweb Technologies comes in.

With a prototype in hand, you’ll be able to give prospective investors a much clearer picture of your product vision.

We’ll work with you to identify and illustrate the key features of your idea that make it compelling to your potential users (and investors).

We’ll coach you through the pitch process so you can make the most of your opportunity. And once you secure your funding, we’ll be your trusted development partner to bring your vision to life.

An example of a prototype

A Proven Process for Pitch-Perfect Results

Our proven process is inspired by product experts like Eric Ries and his Lean Startup approach.

The goal: Identify risky assumptions, validate them quickly and cheaply, and be ready to iterate and pivot.

Lean Canvas

Decompose your product idea into its key and most risky assumptions. Choose to do it yourself with our video guidance, or let one of our product experts lead a Lean Canvas session with you.

Figma prototype

The easiest way to demonstrate and de-risk your product idea. Clickable, so it feels like real software. Present the prototype in person, or send a share link to prospective investors, potential customers, or anyone you choose!

Solution Studio

Determine which features are most compelling to illustrate in your prototype. Choose to do it yourself with our video guidance, or let one of our product experts lead a Solution Studio session with you.

Pitch Deck

Communicate the key components and value proposition of your product idea to potential investors, partners, or clients. Featuring key strategy points from our Solution Studio and beautiful renderings of your prototype.


For a DIY experience
$ 6,000
  • Figma prototype
  • Lean Canvas training video access
  • Solution Studio training video access
  • Executive Summary pitch deck


For a more guided product experience
$ 10,000
  • Figma prototype
  • Lean Canvas training video access
  • Solution Studio training video access
  • Executive Summary pitch deck
  • Live Solution Studio session
  • Technical feasibility assessment
  • Locked in build rates


For help every step of the way
$ 15,000
  • Figma prototype
  • Lean Canvas training video access
  • Solution Studio training video access
  • Executive Summary pitch deck
  • Technical feasibility assessment
  • Locked in build rates
  • Live Solution Studio session
  • Live Lean Canvas session
  • Live Pitch Coaching session

What Our Clients Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re here to answer any questions you may have.

A Figma prototype is a clickable representation of a digital design created using Figma, a web-based design and prototyping tool. Figma allows us to simulate working software without writing a single line of code, which means we can create and iterate quickly.

Since Figma is a web-based tool, it generates links that can be shared with anyone. You can limit access to only people you’d like to invite, or open it up to share publicly. 

Depending on the complexity of the use cases you’d like to illustrate, your prototype should be ready for you to present and share in about two weeks.

The Lean Canvas is a strategic management and planning tool. Entrepreneurs and startup teams use it to brainstorm and test their ideas, iterate on their value proposition, and pivot or adapt their business models based on feedback and market validation. It can help clarify your vision, prioritize key activities, and stay focused on what’s most important for your success. Our proven process will help you generate a crisp Lean Canvas, whether by following our instructional content or having us lead a live session.

The Arcweb Solution Studio is a generative, collaborative and iterative process. Through activities like post-ups, affinity mapping, 2×2 matrices and more, you will be guided to understand your most valuable product features to illustrate in your prototype.

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